January 21, 2014


Dear all,

TISA-1 &2 whatsapp groups are progressing really well with a full strength of 50 pws in TISA-1 group and 37 pws in TISA-2 group as members.

TISA whatsapp group was started on 1st, Jan’2014 and full 50 members were joined by 9th, Jan’2014. Then, this group name was changed to TISA-1 and another group by name TISA-2 was formed on 9th, Jan’2014 and 37 members were joined so far.  .

The progress made within a short period of 20 days is remarkable. Now most of the members were convinced that a minimum of  one hour practice of any one technique (and not practicing 2 or 3 techniques one after another in one hour) for one year to conquer their stammering. The reason is, after started 15 to 20 minutes practicing only, our muscles get relaxed and our mind will also in a concentrated mood to do the practice at its best. This is just like playing warm up games by the tennis players before the start of actual match. To get full benefit from a technique, that technique has to be practiced for one hour.

Yes, we are started using the word “CONQUER” instead of “controllable upto 99% only”. We know very well that stammering can be controllable only up to 99%, but to fool our subconscious mind (which is so far fooling pws that they can talk with stammering only) the word “CONQUER” was chosen, because the word itself has more power and energy  than any other word and can give  more positive impact on pws.

Now, most of the group members are started practicing techniques for one hour daily. This is really a good new year 2014 beginning for the whatsapp group members.

Now the slogan for the group members is “Practice a technique one hour daily for one year, conquer stammering and this world is ours”.



Satyendra said...

This is truly amazing! I will encourage participants of communication workshops (or any TISA event) to join whatsapp group- help each other and practice..
I hope WWS also start their own whatsapp group soon...

Alchemist said...

Navedshaikh35@gmail.com thats my id. Want to join your tisa whatsapp grp. Anybody reply

Manimaran said...

Your name, mobile number and places of living?