
February 27, 2017



Satyendra said...

Beautiful! PWS often hesitate to relate to and connect with people with disabilities.. We forget that at the core, we all are human beings. A spiritual man once told me- Who is Normal? No one! Everyone is viklang, except those few people who know their TRUE nature, who are not identified with their thoughts...

Satyendra said...

I find it amusing and "educative" (= instructive) that while Indian IITs refused him, MIT (USA) lapped him up! What this means is: whatever we are worthy of (truly worthy of), no one can deny us. It is we who deny ourselves, when we work hard to explain our failures away - by blaming others, circumstances, world etc. Worth watching twice!

ABHISHEK said...

Agreed sir.This video is worth watching whenever we need to recharge our mood..He has said in this talk-"If IITs do not want me,then I too do not want IITs...".He talks about social assimilation/blending of people with disabilities..Like TISA's slogan :Disability may not be curable, but disabled mindset can definitely be overcome.. He accepted his blindness, but did not accept stereotypical notions(society's perception) of blind people's (dis)abilities.. Like a banyan tree which gives solace to others , he has undertaken the noble cause of helping other "divyangs"...
We PWS spend our whole life trying to prove that we are/speak normal..Also we refuse to identify with people with disabilities.. On a lighter note, our situation though tricky is really funny.. Sometimes we are successful in "acting" normal- and then we believe we are not disabled.. The next moment our block returns and it makes us feel helpless/disabled...Our situation is ambivalent!!

Satyendra said...

Yes, we are Humpty Dumpty sitting on a wall! We have so much resistance to saying that yes, I stammer. I have seen so many intelligent Pws spending their best energies and precious years just denying that one obvious fact.. I was one of them till that silent man opened my eyes! Life has never been better since then...

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