
February 16, 2017

Communication Workshop at Bangalore on March 4, 5 and 6 2017

Hi All,

As you are aware that Sachin is visiting Bangalore between March 4 to 7. Please find below agenda for communication workshop.


  • Workshop timing will be from 9:30 AM to 5 PM on each day
  • Each day 6 PM to 8 PM will be for 1-1 with Sachin, we will share the google calendar accordingly
  • We all will be having dinner with Sachin on 5th at the venue itself.
  • Lunch and Snacks will be at venue on each day

4th March

  • 5 min silence
  •  Rapid Intro (participants have to give quick intro to each other and change the partner quickly) (30 min)
  • Ground rules (Sachin will share; verbally or slides or will write on a poster/ white board)
  • Energizer by SHGBLR (has to be a brief activity: 5-10 minutes)
  • “Time Line” in pairs (First, Sachin will share about it and give example) (1.5 hours)
  • Lunch
  • Analysis, follow up, Feedback – on Timeline exercise. (1 hour)
  • Open Q&A session OR / And mini role plays

5th March

  • Recap by 2-3 participants of the previous day (any misunderstanding can be clarified)
  • Relaxation skill: Belly breathing- Meditation/ Vipassana: discussion and sharing (30-40 min)
  • Reciting poetry in pairs – role of Pausing (30-40 min). People can bring a poem or google on the cell phone.
  • Mutual videography using cell phones, while talking to a “feared” contact (colleague, boss, family etc.) - this should bring out the question of Secondary behaviors (we may need 2-3 laptops to show people their own videos?) (time- about 1.5 hours)
  • Lunch
  • Secondary behaviors (noted during videography)- and dealing with them (1 hour)
  • Mini Role plays on given scenario (1 hour)
  • Planning the Task for 6th March: we will make the group of 3 people each, ensuring that every group has at least one woman. These groups will be asked to interview strangers and find out their views on “Women’s day” (is it relevant for India? Where are women more oppressed, east or west? Urban or rural? Etc. etc.). While interviewing, they have to demonstrate good body language and use some technique. They will take brief notes. 
  • Dinner with Sachin

6th March

  • We go out to some public place (Park, shopping mall, Bust stand?) and do the above exercise. Time- 2.5 to 3 hours.
  • Return to the meeting hall. Energizer by SHGBLR. Then, groups will briefly share their findings. The group members may give feedback to each other about their communication (and other things) during this opinion poll.
  • Lunch
  • Road Map exercise- participants will brainstorm in sub-groups and develop a personal roadmap for next one year (what do they want to achieve? How? What commitment does it demand? How will they go about it?) – this is to be done both for the person him/herself – as well as collectively for the SHGBLR. What do you want SHGBLR to do more? How? 
  • Q&A and then wind up

7th March

  • Bike ride

Please feel free to let us know by posting comments if you want to include any activities or if you have any feedback or suggestions.

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