
January 20, 2017

Bangalore SHG Jan 15, 2017 meeting report

We had a healthy turnout in the 2nd meeting of this wonderful year.
Fellow members: Abhinav, Pramod, Mohit J, Mohit S, Jonali, Mansi, Anupam, Kavish, Abin Thomas, Flying Visit by Bharat

We started off the meeting by reading "Apna Hath Jagannath" Book. Setting our vocal chords to the task and building confidence with each uttered word, we moved forward to other tasks.

Story Narration

Jonali narrated an inspiring story about fern and bamboo.

A fern grows quickly after it has been seeded, whereas the bamboo takes up to 4-5 years to grow into a tiny sprout. But within the next 6 months, it shoots for more than 100 feet. It had grown strong roots in its first five years and hence it was able to reach such heights. The same is with us, we do not have to be depressed when our work is not bearing immediate results maybe it is in speech or in daily life the hard work and dedication needs to be there and our time will soon come where we achieve new heights.

Animesh set the expectations of the theater workshop in the meeting. The theater workshop would be planned in a span of next 2 months and dedication and commitment was all that is needed. 

Next, we had prepared speeches. Nishil gave a prepared speech about e-wallets: The digital transformation that is happening in India and how e-wallets are playing a key role in connecting rural areas to the banking system. This was an informative speech about open,semi-closed and closed wallets currently prevalent and their advantages and disadvantages.

Mansi gave the speech about the fear of failure, the negative thoughts of failing and its causes and reasons and how to overcome it. We had reviews for each of the speeches to help the speakers improve their speech and communication.

The extempore speech was the last activity,  We had a humorous situation we were left thinking for more than 2 mins on deciding a topic to give, The time was already 1.10 PM and we bid farewell to each other and moved on to do next set of regular duties.

Written By - Nishil

1 comment:

Satyendra said...

Wow- yes, I too am battling with rapid march of technology.. After Notebandi, many shopkeepers in my small place switched over to PayTM. I was quite surprised. I still have to take a decision on that. Learning life long, has to go on!
Nice to see that SHGBLR is attracting new people successfully.. Bravo!

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