How important is a Job Interview for a person when he/she har been preparing to get the job since 2 & 1/2 years?
Well, I guess needless to explain..!
What if the person is a "STAMMER"?
Well, I guess his one too...needs no explaination.
Hello Friends,
The person being referred to above, if none but me.
So now that you you know my situation , lets proceed.
A week back I was the
"depressed yet anxious, disoirented yet excited and demoralised yet Seeking Inspritation " person that you kind of imagined reding the opening lines of this writeup.
Yes that was me a week back for now things have, and still are, changing for good.
It was all because of Sachin Sir.
I have read articles on TISA where people used to praise him regarding how he helped them get through phases when they felt doomed. Now that I have had first hand experince with the same I feel Blessed to have known TISA and Sachin Sir.
Last week when I presnted my situation here at TISA, I was overwhelmed by the kind of response that I got. Through the same I got to contact Sachin Sir, what followed was a planned schedule for mock interviews to be conducted everyday.
Initally I was a bit hesitant as in "How will I be able to present myself, how will I manage to sound fie for an interview?" and so on. But droping all those hesitations behind I decided to take this leap of faith and let it happen.
So I called him and to keep it short I'll tell you how did I felt after being interviewed. Surprisingly, I felt calm, I felt oriented, motivated, inspired and all so hopeful. I had this inner spark pushing me to believe that "YOU'LL DO IT", and so here I was ready to believe that "YES, I'LL DO IT". Since that day, I have been practicing through these mock interviews to brush up my skills (presentation+knowledge).
Eventually I am seeking the MIRACLE happening and the MAGIC that made all this possible is EFFORT. Make no mistakes when you interpret the word EFFORT here. No not mine, but Sir's. Yes, its Sir's effort that is working with such efficacy. All the major and minor tips that he shares, his personal experience and his knowledge is what keeps me motivated. I am really thankful to be blessed to receive the guidance that he imparts. I continue to learn form him daily via mock interviews on telephone.
Towards the end of this writeup there are two other things that I would like to say.
Firstly, don't hesitate to lookup to someone and seek help. Take this "leap of faith" and move towards self development.
Secondly, do wish me luck ;) , I have my interview in a few weeks from now, do wish me luck. :)
There are many Sirs in TISA who will be happy to help young people preparing for interview, by organising mock interviews.. Karthik, Vishal, Rajesh, Abhishek and many more..
Check the "online SHG" link..
Thanks for sharing..
Wish you Good Luck, Priya.
May your all dreams come true.
Keep learning. There is no end to it.
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